Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Two Rules and Brute - Force Attack

For any algorithm that is used for Cryptography, it must satisfy the two conditions or at the minimum one condition must atleast be satisfied.

They are:

1. The cost of breaking the Cipher should exceed the value of the Encrypted Information.

2. The time required to break the cipher should exceed the useful lifetime of the information.

Brute-Force Attack:

The method of using all the possible keys to get the intelligent plain text from cipher text is called the Brute-Force Attack.

This is the most commonly used attack.

For example: If a encryption method is performed with a key length of 2 bits, then there is a possibility of 4 keys.

in general this is represented as:

if the key length is of "n" bits,


the number of possible keys is equal to 2^n.

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