There are 2 forms of encryption methods :
1. Conventional, or Symmetric encryption.
2. Public-Key, or Asymmetric encryption.
Symmetric Encryption:
Symmetric encryption is a form of cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption are performed using the same key. It is also know as conventional encryption.
This method transforms plain text into ciphertext using a secret key and an encryption algorithm. Using the same key and decryption algorithm, the plain text is recovered from the cipher text.
This is a traditional form which use substitution or transposition techniques. Substitution techniques map plain text elements into ciphertext elements. Transposition techniques systematically transpose the position of plaintext elements.
1. Substitution Techniques.
- Caesar Cipher
- Monoalphabetic Ciphers
- Playfair Cipher
- One -Time Pad
3. Rotor Machines.
4. Steganography.
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